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Trigger Finger

What is trigger finger?

Has your finger ever gotten stuck in a bent position? Does it make a snapping sound when you try and bend or straighten it?

If so, you may be experiencing trigger finger, also known as stenosing tenosynovitis. Trigger finger can affect any finger, including the thumb. More than one finger may be affected at a time, and both hands might be involved. Triggering is usually more pronounced in the morning, while firmly grasping an object or when straightening your finger.

This condition occurs when the affected finger's tendon sheath becomes irritated and inflamed. This interferes with the normal motion of the tendon through the sheath.

What Causes Trigger Finger?

Risk factors include:

  • Jobs that require repetitive hand use or gripping
  • Gender: More common in females
  • Medical conditions: some conditions such as diabetes or rheumatoid arthritis can increase your risk
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome surgery

Trigger Finger Treatments

Trigger finger can be treated both nonsurgically and surgically. Solutions include:

  • Simply resting the finger
  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) may relieve the pain
  • A splint
  • Stretching exercises
  • Surgery, if symptoms are severe or don’t respond to other treatments

If you think you may have trigger finger, contact the orthopedic specialists at Summa Health for a consultation.

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Options to Request an Appointment

If your situation is an emergency, call 911.