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Tim Scott

Living his best life after weight loss

Tim Scott


Tim: I really struggled with my weight my whole life. At 412 pounds, I got out of bed and went straight to the couch. Ate and laid on the couch eight hours a day.

I came to Summa for weight loss surgery and met Dr. Wells. I've learned so much from that man as far as nutrition. By the time they got me cleared for the surgery, I've lost almost 70 pounds. I decided not to do the surgery, and I could do it on my own.

I'm 56 years old, and I've lost over 200 pounds. Without Dr. Wells I don't think I'd even be here right now. This is a life changer. I can finally even get out there and mow my yard. I'm half the man I used to be, and I'm so happy about it. Now when people look at me, they look at my eyes, my blue eyes, and not my weight.

The Summa Health weight loss program, I am very thankful for them. Very thankful.


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