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Prostate Surgery

Prostate cancer strikes about 16% of American men. Treatment options and a patient’s prognosis vary with age, overall health, the stage of the cancer and other factors. But with new advances such as minimally-invasive robotic surgery, patients are able to live more active and productive lives.

In addition, with minimally-invasive robotic surgery, patients can experience:
- Less pain
- Less risk of infection
- Less blood loss and transfusions
- Shorter hospital stays
- Less scarring
- Faster recovery

Summa offers the da Vinci® minimally-invasive robotic surgical system which gives surgeons a new way to remove a cancerous prostate. Incorporating state-of-the-art robotic technology, the system translates the surgeon’s hand movements into precise manipulations of micro-instruments. That means smaller incisions, more precise surgical procedures, less risk of infection and shorter, more comfortable hospital stays. Recent studies also point to improved cancer control with reduced incidents of urinary incontinence and impotence.

One of the most common prostate cancer treatments, a radical prostatectomy, requires an incision 8 to 10 inches long. Such an invasive procedure means substantial blood loss, a long recovery and a risk of incontinence and impotence. With the minimally-invasive da Vinci® alternative, our Summa robotic surgeons can operate through tiny surgical openings instead. The system gives the surgeon a clear view of vital anatomical structures and far more control over very precise movements.

For more information about prostate surgery, call Summa at 330.375.3000.

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