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Patient Safety

Summa Health System is committed to providing excellent patient care. Nationally, The Joint Commission has established patient safety goals. We are fully compliant with these goals.

Summa developed safety behaviors which include the following:

  • Practice with a questioning attitude
  • Communicate clearly
  • Focus on the task
  • Support each other

We established a number of tools to help improve awareness and oversight of patient safety every day.

All hospitals have completed safety training and new employees complete training within six months of hire.

All system hospitals begin the day with a brief safety huddle so any issues with the potential to impact patient safety are now identified and resolved as quickly as possible.

More than 200 front-line employees volunteered to be safety coaches within their units or departments. Ultimately, our goal is zero event of preventable harm. 

The following information helps you enhance your safety while you are a patient in one of our hospitals or outpatient facilities.

Patient Experience Feedback

Thank you for contacting Summa Health System. We appreciate hearing from you. Summa is committed to ensure you receive the help and information you need as quickly as possible. Our goal is to provide a reply to you within three business days [reply time may be longer if research is required to address your concern].

Submit a question confidentially and securely by filling out the following form. A detailed response will be sent confidentially to the email address you provide.

NOTE: Due to HIPAA rules we cannot respond or forward comments containing confidential patient information.

Summa Health System’s goal is to provide you with the best possible care. It is extremely important for us to know how we are doing. Whether it is praise for a job well done or a problem that you have encountered during your care, please let us know so that we may provide better care in the future.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Service Excellence at 330.375.6765.


Options to Request an Appointment

If your situation is an emergency, call 911.