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Pam and Jerry Kusar

A true champion beats cancer

Pam Kusar


Pam: I have always worked out since I was 15. I always lived a healthy lifestyle, and when I got the news that I had cancer, I didn't know what the rest of my life was going to be. I was scared.

Jerry: You gotta to put your faith in God. You gotta pray for the doctors that will be treating you.

Pam: The care was amazing. Starting with Dr. Andrews. He was very comforting. The nurse navigator made us feel like we were part of the care team.

Jerry: The little things like holding my wife's hands and looking her in the eye and saying "you're going to be ok, you're going to be fine." They really helped get through it, for both of us.

Pam: Those little words that you say makes all the difference in the world. I've lifted a lot of weights in my life, but this was probably the biggest, and I did it.

Jerry: We kicked cancer's butt. Every way to Sunday. She did it.


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