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Nose (Rhinology)

Millions of people suffer from nose and sinus disorders, causing pain, fatigue, headaches and breathing difficulties, among other symptoms. In fact, sinusitis alone affects 37 million people at least once each year, making it one of the most common illnesses in the United States.

You don't have to live with the discomfort and/or pain of nose and sinus problems. Summa Health ENT specialists are highly skilled in diagnosing and treating a wide range of disorders affecting the nose, including:

Recurrent or Chronic Sinus Conditions 

Chronic sinusitis is the term for swollen and inflamed sinuses that persist for three months or longer, even after several rounds of antibiotics and nasal spray. Treatment typically consists of new medication, such as antibiotics for bacterial infections or steroids in the form of sprays or tablets, or functional endoscopic sinus surgery (FESS). During this minimally invasive procedure, an endoscope helps to remove growths blocking the sinuses. FESS also is used to enlarge drainage pathways in the sinuses through balloon sinuplasty.

Difficulty Breathing Through the Nose

A severely deviated septum, nasal polyps, as well as benign lesions and malignancy within sinuses may result in recurrent infections, inflammation and obstructions in breathing. Common treatments include septoplasty, a minimally invasive surgical procedure to straighten the septum, or a LATERA® nasal implant, which is designed to support the lateral cartilage in your nose.

Allergies (Allergic Rhinitis) 

Allergic rhinitis is an allergic reaction to airborne allergens, like seasonal grass or ragweed pollen, or year-round allergens, like dust and animal dander. Allergic rhinitis is sometimes called “hay fever,” especially when caused by seasonal allergens. Summa Health ENT specialists can evaluate your allergy symptoms and prescribe a treatment plan that may include avoidance, medication or immunotherapy (allergy shots) to help you find relief.

Learn more about allergy testing

Nose Bleeds

Most nose bleeds are minor and require little intervention. However, frequent or severe nose bleeds should be evaluated by a Summa Health ENT specialist who will carefully examine the nose using an endoscope. Oftentimes, the site of bleeding can be easily seen and cauterized, a technique in which the blood vessel is burned with an electric current, silver nitrate, or a laser.

Postnasal Drip

Postnasal drip – a steady trickle of mucus from the back of the sinuses – is among the most common causes of persistent cough, hoarseness, sore throat and other annoying symptoms. While it can linger for weeks or even months untreated, post-nasal drip can quickly be diagnosed and treated with solutions like ClariFix®, a minimally invasive solution that targets the source of your symptoms for lasting relief. 

Whatever your nose disorder, Summa Health ENT specialists pride overserves on working with you to develop a treatment plan that meets your specific needs.

Do you have a sinus infection?

Think You May Have a Sinus Infection?

Take our quick quiz to help identify if you may have sinusitis. Once completed, the quiz will help you determine whether you should see a specialist for further evaluation.



All About Sinus Conditions

Dr. Philip Khalil and Dr. Ryan Gerritsen lead a discussion on sinus conditions, as well as treatment options.

10 Ways to Stop and Prevent Nosebleeds

Nosebleeds are very common and can strike at any time. While they can look scary with blood trickling out your nose, the good news is nosebleeds are rarely serious. But you may be wondering, what is causing this messy nuisance?

Meet the Team

Summa Health Otolaryngology consists of an experienced group of medical professionals who specialize in conditions and disorders of the ears, nose, throat, and head and neck region.

Allergy Testing

If you're struggling with allergy signs and symptoms, Summa Health's ENT team can help. 

Explore Our ENT Services

Summa Health Otolaryngology is the largest ear, nose and throat group in Summit County.


Options to Request an Appointment

If your situation is an emergency, call 911.