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Kelly Hartman

Removing the stigma of mental health disorders through hope and healing

Kelly Hartman


Kelly: I have a great life. I have two little girls. I have a wonderful husband. I have a wonderful career as a teacher.

Out of the blue, I had the most fear that I was dying and I would never see my family again. I realized I was have a psychotic attack. That led me to St. Thomas hospital where I was diagnosed with major depression and anxiety.

I was there for six days. It was life changing.

I came to realize that mental illness can be a part of anyone's life. I'm living proof, and so many other people have this going on.

My message is that it's ok to have a mental illness. We have got to get rid of this stigma.

What I found through Summa Health that there is hope, and there is healing. And I am forever thankful.

It's so important for me to be mentally healthy for my two little girls, my wonderful husband. They mean the world to me.


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If your situation is an emergency, call 911.