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Kathryn and Vance Truman

Enjoying renewed energy after nutritional weight loss

Kathryn and Vance Truman


Vance: I've always been a big big guy. Yeah. I knew I had to lose weight. I was almost 400 pounds. My doctor said I was facing knee surgery if I did not lose weight.

Kathryn: So I figured if Vance is going to lose weight, we do everything together, I said, well, I'll join you and we'll both go to the Summa Bariatric Program. Everybody on the Summa team is so enthusiastic, polite and friendly, and we're rooting for you. It's like having a cheerleader.

Vance: Yeah, it's excellent. I love Dr. Wells. He's just very encouraging, and he just wants you to be successful and wants you to be healthy.

Kathryn: I was surprised at how quickly I was losing weight. I mean between the both of us we lost over 200 pounds. I play tennis and on the tennis court my friends are amazed. I was sort of fast before, but now I'm really fast.

Vance: And I think going to try skiing.

Kathryn: That sounds like a terrible idea.

Vance: I believe that there's a thin person in each of us, and Dr. Wells and the Summa Nonsurgical Weight Loss Program is the way to discover that person. This works.


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