Family Medicine, Obstetrics

Aaron Starbuck, MD

4.4 out of 5. (See testimonials)

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Offering Telehealth appointments

Aaron Starbuck, MD

Here`s what Dr. Starbuck's patients think


4 Reviews

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star reviews

Kind and up front

Dr. Starbuck is awesome! He’s kind and up front. He listens to how you feel and is mindful of your overall health rather than just the one problem you are in the office for. He’s the kind of doctor who actually cares about his patients. Can’t say enough good things about him.

Madeline L.

star reviews

The recommendation proved well-deserved

In a quest to find a primary care physician who could fulfill my stringent stipulations and meet my uncompromising standards, a specialist referred me to Dr. Starbuck On my initial visit, the recommendation proved well-deserved, as Dr. Starbuck was keenly attentive, responding with acuity and punctilious precision to every concern and inquiry. Professional acumen was complemented by his courteous, respectful and kind demeanor. Rarely have I consulted a physician with commensurate perspicuity, lucidity, and thoroughness, nor one so attentive to and focused on addressing the patient's idiosyncratic issues.

Deborah F.

star reviews

He was honest

I first saw Dr. Starbuck 3 years ago. In my first appointment, it was extremely difficult accepting his diagnosis, in fact, I didn't even want to go back to him. But after seeing several other doctors, I realized everything he identified was correct. Looking back, I'm grateful he was honest with me from the beginning.

W P.

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