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How can physical therapy help me get back to activity faster?

Posted October 04, 2021 by Ronda Beery, P.T., M.A, CERT. MDT

a PT working on a patient's ankle

While taking a brisk walk with a friend, you clumsily trip on the sidewalk and sprain you ankle. You’re slowly recovering and managing the pain, but in addition to rest and ice, your doctor recommends physical therapy (PT) 

You may be wondering, how can PT help me improve my mobility and manage my pain? Isn’t a sprained ankle something you just have to rest?

As a matter of fact, physical therapists can develop a program to help you heal safely and even prevent future injuries upon returning to activity. They can help reduce your pain, while helping you regain strength, motion and balance so you can quickly get back to your walking program. 

PT is a proven treatment method that benefits individuals of all ages and abilities who are suffering after an injury, surgery or disability. A physical therapist helps patients by incorporating a variety of evidence-based exercises, stretches or other physical activities. In addition, they can incorporate therapeutic interventions, such as manual therapy, electrical stimulation, dry needling and cold therapy to help you recover.

During the initial appointment, a physical therapist will review a patient’s medical history and evaluate their current health condition. Based on the therapist findings, they will design a treatment plan specific to the patient’s needs, challenges and goals. The objectives of a PT plan of care may include:

  • Improve and restore movement, strength and range of motion
  • Decrease or manage pain
  • Reduce symptoms of many chronic conditions or keep them from getting worse
  • Recover from and prevent injury
  • Improve balance
  • Educate patients on ways to maintain overall fitness and functionality

    If you suffer from an injury, pain, weakness, or decreased balance contact a physical therapist to help you reach your goals. 

    Contact one of Summa Health’s 9 outpatient physical therapy locations for more information about our Physical Therapy services. 


    Options to Request an Appointment

    If your situation is an emergency, call 911.