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Hip Replacement

Total Hip ReplacementOur orthopedic specialists try to treat joint pain with nonsurgical approaches, including rest, physical therapy, applications of heat or cold and medication. Sometimes, injections of a cortisone-like drug directly into a joint can reduce pain and inflammation.

Surgery may be necessary if these methods do not relieve your pain. Joint replacement surgery can successfully reduce pain and restore function when other approaches fail to bring relief for many patients.

We use several different surgical approaches:

Your surgeon will determine which approach is best for your hip. Most patients benefit from all the minimally invasive advances and go home the day of surgery, or after one to two nights in the hospital. Most patients will be walking and/or moving their hip on the day of surgery

Total Hip Replacement

Traditional total hip replacements are done with a combination of cobalt chrome and highly cross-linked polyethylene implants.  Modular components are used to allow for easy “revision” of worn-out joints. Most total hip replacements are performed with titanium implants and inserted without cement. These hip replacements last longer than their cemented counterparts and when combined with modular highly cross-linked polyethylene inserts, allow our surgeons to perform replacements in younger patients.

Newer techniques and technology can offer patients increased mobility and independence. They can also offer patients a more rapid recovery and longer-lasting joint function.

Download more information about total hip replacement at Summa Health


Direct Anterior Approach

Kiel Pfefferle The direct anterior approach for total hip replacement performed by Kiel Pfefferle M.D., orthopedic surgeon, helps patients recover more quickly. This approach for total hip replacements does not detach any of the muscles or tendons and therefore reduces muscle damage. This allows patients to have a faster post-operative recovery than a traditional total hip replacement.

In addition, the orthopedic surgeon uses X-ray to position the components to the best fit for the patient. This helps with preventing dislocations and chronic wear and tear on the new total hip replacement.

Schedule an orthopedic consultation at 330.835.5533


Options to Request an Appointment

If your situation is an emergency, call 911.