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Greg Kucinski, Audiology Patient

Hearing aids allowed Greg to enjoy listening to music again, even hearing new things for the first time.

Greg Kucinski


Greg: I love music. I listen to records probably five nights out of a week. I was not enjoying it as much as I could because I knew my hearing was compromised. I asked my doctor, and she referred me to someone in the Summa group, Deanna Nickerson in audiology.

The experience with Dr. Nickerson was just wonderful. She said, "I'm not gonna tell you you need a hearing aid." She left the decision up to me. And as soon as I tried them, there was a difference. I was surprised how comfortable they were.

And life with music now is more enjoyable. I can hear more of the music. I will play an album that I have played a hundred times and hear new things in it. I hear like a young person. I wish the rest of my body could follow that, but I'll take what I can.


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