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Save the date! June 13 for the 13th annual Golf Outing

Bob and Regina Cooper honored for service, generosity and leadership

The 13th annual Summa Health Golf Outing is set for Tuesday, June 13, 2023, on the legendary South Course at Firestone Country Club – one of the greatest golf courses in the world  – in support of resources for Summa Health nurses.

Bob and Regina Cooper, longtime friends and benefactors of Summa Health and philanthropists in the Akron community, will be honored for their dedicated service, longtime generosity and invaluable leadership.

The Coopers have faithfully supported the Summa Health Cancer Institute in the Jean and Milton Cooper Pavilion to ensure that patients and families have access to the highest quality, compassionate cancer care and supportive services. Their generosity as longstanding sponsors of the Summa Health Sapphire Ball, leadership and service as Honorary Chairs of the 2019 ball and dedication as members of the Sapphire Ball Fundraising Committee have helped touch nearly every area of care. Bob is volunteer chair of the Summa Health Cancer Institute Leadership Council, and Regina is a longtime member of this council.

Treat yourself and your guests to a fun-filled day while networking with Summa Health leadership and other regional business leaders, who share a mutual commitment to providing the highest quality, compassionate healthcare for the Akron region. 

Since its debut in 2010, the Summa Health Golf Outing — one of the most popular outings in the local golfing community — has generated nearly $3 million for resources in support of Summa Health’s 2,000 nurses.

For more sponsorship information, please contact Nikki Hawk at 330.375.3548 or

Past Summa Health Golf Outing Honorees

* deceased


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