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Cassandra Wyatt

A healthier mom thanks to bariatric surgery

Cassandra Wyatt


Cassandra: I was probably 200 pounds overweight at my heaviest. I just kept putting on weight, and I couldn't lose it on my own. I wanted to be an active mom, and I couldn't do that at 320 pounds. I needed to stop being unhealthy, and the Bariatric Center at Summa gave me that opportunity.

Whenever anyone asked me how I lost the weight, I'm very honest about it. I say I had gastric bypass surgery. It's the perfect tool to jumpstart you.

Dr. Pozsgay's amazing. He's kind, he's really friendly. So the morning of the surgery obviously I was nervous. He comes over, and he squeezes my arm, and he says "we're going to do this, you've got this."

Since I had the surgery, I'm able to do so many more things with my kids. I don't have high cholesterol any more. My sugar is normal. Dr. Pozsgay and the staff at Summa, they gave me my life back.

Now I walk down the street with my head held high, and I smile at people just trying to bring a little more compassion into the world.


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