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Amanda Medure

Gained so much more than she lost after bariatric surgery

Amanda Medure


Amanda: Once I got married and had kids, I just started gaining weight. And it got to the point where my daughter was hugging me and said "boy Mom you're really squishy and none of my other friends mommies are squishy," and I knew something needed to be done.

I did my research on bariatric surgery, and Summa came up as a center of excellence and they were yards ahead of every other bariatric program.

My surgeon was Dr. Zografakis. Absolutely amazing man. The care and program is amazing. They tell you at the beginning that you're going to be a patient for life, and they're going to take care of you, and they really do mean that.

Since the surgery, I've lost over 150 pounds and 81% of my excess body weight. Just astounding.

When I look at myself now it's just surreal. It's about being the healthiest version of myself. Life with my kids is wonderful now. I mean, I'm not their squishy mom anymore.


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